Byobu autostart from cron

Whisperity whisperity at
Sat May 19 14:04:37 UTC 2012

Dear fellow Ubuntu users,

I have an automatation question I'd like to ask from you. My server runs
some servers which are, unfortunately, not daemons (like Minecraft or
Source Dedicated Server). I am planning on making them automatically start
at boot with the *@reboot* directive in crontab, but I wish their sessions
to be usable from *byobu*.

Problem being, that byobu does not auto-start. I have written a shell

screen -dr byobu -X screen -t srcds
screen -r byobu -p srcds -X stuff "./ $(printf '\r')"

And I execute it as my *nonprivileged* user in *crontab*:

@reboot           sourcesrv                    cd /srv/srcds/orangebox
&& ./

However, running this script requires *byobu* to be started when it runs.
If I test the script with starting byobu by hand and then executing it from
SSH, it does order byobu to make a new window and then starts the server.

My question being: can I, somehow, automatize the start of byobu into the ** file? I tried adding *byobu* (the command itself) after the
shebang-line, but then it hangs until I, by hand, F6 (detach) from byobu.

Turning byobu's *Start automatically after log in* on does not work,
because there is no login to happen, as the script is started from cron.
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