sudo symbolic link between directories

thufir hawat.thufir at
Sat Mar 17 09:42:25 UTC 2012

To make a symbolic link between directories, am I doing this correctly?

thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ ls opt
thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ ls bin
thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ ln -s opt bin
thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ ls opt
thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ ls bin
bar  opt
thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ ls /opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/
bin  demos  doc  include  lib  license-at8.5-thread.terms  licenses  man  
MANIFEST_at8.5.txt  README-8.5-thread.txt
thufir at dur:~$ 

That seems ok, so that now ~/bin has ~/opt contents, specifically file 
foo.  This is a dry run, before adding /opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/bin to /usr/bin 
in the pattern, so that I don't destroy the directory.

(The point of this is so that when I compile ruby as per http:// that the compiled ruby has tk 
correctly.  It seems required to use ActiveTcl in this scenario.)



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