
Lance lancecherrychina at
Sun Mar 11 07:10:47 UTC 2012

Here are my suggestion:

You d better *not* resize that partition because there are different
partition type.If you must do that, i suggest that u may try a tool
named *Acronis
Disk Director* in *Windows*.After u config done,u can try it again.

But!!!!!, I strongly suggest you might *not* do that.It s a risk.It might
lost your data on your HDD.

You still can test that tool in your virtualmachine(ie. virtualbox or
vmware)  ..

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 5:15 AM, Stephen <stephen_o at> wrote:

> Hello I'm using Ubuntu 10, 11. I originally set it up in a 40gb partition
> on a windows xp drive. I wanted to give more space to the ubuntu partition.
> I shrunk the windows partition by 30 gig, and tried to make the linux
> partition larger but it wouldn't let me because I couldn't unmount the
> partition.
> So I booted from a live disk and started gparted. All I could do was
> shrink the linux partition it wouldn't let me make it larger.
> I am wondering if there is a way I could do this???? I don't want to
> re-install ubuntu.
> Thanks in advance;
> Stephen
> <stephen_o at>
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