xscreensaver issues

Pete Smout psmouty at live.com
Thu Mar 8 16:07:31 UTC 2012

On 06/03/12 22:34, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 03/06/2012 04:19 PM, Gerhard Magnus wrote:
>> I am in the process of changing the linux distribution on my small LAN
>> from Fedora to Ubuntu 11.10. Whatever the issues may be with Ubuntu,
>> they're nothing compared to the disaster Fedora has turned into. I don't
>> mind every little thing being an adventure with linux, but solving
>> "computer problems" isn't my main form of entertainment in this life.
>> And when things as basic as ssh and NFS no longer work, and developers
>> have made huge changes without documenting much of anything... well,
>> it's time to move on.
> Welcome to the land of the RedHat ex-pats! I sincerely believe that if
> Bob Young had stayed on, that the boxed set would still be alive, as he
> understood that the future support paying admins needed a sandbox to
> grow and thrive in. It was like divorcing an unfaithful harsh mistress.
> And, previously, I worked there. I just needed to get MY stuff done.
> Again, welcome! Ric
I have since 'regressed' back to lucid (10.04 LTS) for reasons 
previously run to exhaustion on this list (just search unity!!) but I 
did have x-screensaver running ok on 11.10 before the 'downgrade'!

from memory I had to 'completely remove' the gnome-screensaver (and all 
bits) in synaptic, then install x-screensaver and add it to my startup 
apps. list. the only thing I never sorted was the smplayer would not 
disable screensaver when in full screen, but I am sure that if I looked 
in the code for smplayer I would find a reference to the gnome 
screensaver which needed changing, but I lost patience and 'downgraded' 
before I looked into that.

Hope this helps



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