[ubuntu-users] Command not found

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 5 10:18:21 UTC 2012

On 5 March 2012 10:03, John Sampson <jrs.idx at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> On the Ubuntu 11.10 desktop I can see a directory "downloads" but anything I
> try in
> the shell in an effort to reach it results in 'No such file or directory".
> There is no manual entry for "cd".

You should just be able to do
cd downloads
assuming you are in your home directory.  If not in home directory then
cd ~/downloads
cd /home/your-user-name/downloads

If you still cannot get it to work then copy/paste here the command
you are typing and the result.  Also paste the output of
which is the equivalent on dir in Windows.
Note that in a terminal you have to use Ctrl- Shift-C to copy (or Edit
> Copy in the menus).  The reason is that ctrl-C is used to abort the
current command in the terminal.

> I'll stick to Windows.

Please don't :)
Persevere for a short while to get the hang of it and you will never go back.


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