program launcher going wild

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Fri Jun 29 08:32:50 UTC 2012

On Friday 29 June 2012 04:23:59 Colin Law did opine:

> On 29 June 2012 08:40, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> > Greetings all;
> > 
> > For the 2nd time I am going to have to reboot.
> > 
> > If I have a copy of firefox running, a click on an html link in an
> > email will hand the request off to firefox just fine.
> > 
> > But if firefox is not running, then whatever is in charge of handling
> > such link clicks tries to start at leasy 100 copies of konqueror, so
> > I wind up with a machine whose lower info bar has buttons from
> > processes trying to run lined up to as little as 1/8" wide, which it
> > will do for 2-3 minutes and then it will try to kill them all, which
> > it will do for perhaps 5 seconds, but will eventually start fireing
> > of another 100 or so copies, none of which ever actually open a
> > screen.
> You have not said which version of Ubuntu you are running, but
> assuming it is 12.04 then in System Settings > Details > Default
> Applications make sure you have Firefox as the default web app.
> Colin

Sorry, 10.04-4 32 bit on a 64 bit box.  This is so all my boxes are running 
the same install, and 2 of the other boxes are frozen on 10.04 LTS because 
that is the kernel 2.6.32-122-rtai we have with rtai support for realtime 
machine (lathes, milling machines etc) control.

That option doesn't seem to be in the list of pulldowns, so I've no clue 
where to adjust that on 10.04-4.  System->Preferred Applications however is 
set for firefox.  I think that is the same thing.

Cheers, Gene
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