program launcher going wild

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Jun 29 07:52:25 UTC 2012

On 29 June 2012 08:40, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> Greetings all;
> For the 2nd time I am going to have to reboot.
> If I have a copy of firefox running, a click on an html link in an email
> will hand the request off to firefox just fine.
> But if firefox is not running, then whatever is in charge of handling such
> link clicks tries to start at leasy 100 copies of konqueror, so I wind up
> with a machine whose lower info bar has buttons from processes trying to
> run lined up to as little as 1/8" wide, which it will do for 2-3 minutes
> and then it will try to kill them all, which it will do for perhaps 5
> seconds, but will eventually start fireing of another 100 or so copies,
> none of which ever actually open a screen.

You have not said which version of Ubuntu you are running, but
assuming it is 12.04 then in System Settings > Details > Default
Applications make sure you have Firefox as the default web app.


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