12.04 32bit server: should i install "GRUB bootloader when installing as VM in VMPlayer?"

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 04:06:59 UTC 2012

On 13 June 2012 04:02, Rajeev Prasad <rp.neuli at yahoo.com> wrote:
> i do not want to end up with a messed up host, so i want to ask this quick
> question: should i respond "yes" to setup question:
> install the GRUB to master boot record? i already have pointsec installed on
> my laptop which starts before anything boots up on my PC>
> my install is waiting....

Probably not - Pointsec will be sitting in the MBR already so if you
answer yes, you'll overwrite Pointsec meaning you'll need to be able
to re-install it if you want to boot into your encrypted windows

Are you, by any chance, installing on a company laptop and trying to
slide in a dual-boot install beside an existing Windows installation?
If you are, I'd be exceptionally careful if I were you...


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