What program for authoring flowcharts

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 13:48:28 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 2:35 AM, Steve Flynn <anothermindbomb at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12 June 2012 01:54, Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The main flowchart editor I'm aware of is dia, which I just tried
>> again (v 0.97) and find unusable.  List of complaints on demand.
>> I'm more familiar with xfig, but it's not specialized for flowcharts.
>> I'd like prefab chart objects, bendy lines and so on.
>> I've seen the drawings of Bluej, but it's Java-specific for
>> class/object relationships and not in a portable format.
>> Suggestions?
> I do all of my graphical documentation using GraphViz
> (http://www.graphviz.org/).
> Any use?

Interesting idea.  I didn't know about this package.  However....

It's not obvious how best to use this for flowcharts.  I like to
control layout, but much of the purpose of this package seems to be to
do automatic layout.  Moreover, there's a lot of markup I usually do
-- mainly cross-references between pages, but commentary too -- that
doesn't seem to fit in.

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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