Ubuntu 12.04 LTS removing unity and installing GNOME

Albert Wagner albertwagner at cox.net
Wed Jun 6 15:12:36 UTC 2012

On 06/06/2012 08:08 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
> No, they aren't. They are there to save screen space, mainly. 
> "Advance" is very much a subjective judgement call.
Any screen space so saved is negligible and is not desired by many users 
of desktop machines. The price of large monitors is continually 
dropping.  I use a 27" 1920x1080 monitor.  I am contemptuous of the 
types of "screen saving" in Unity.  Perhaps lovers of Unity should 
always qualify their remarks to indicate either desktops or handheld 
devices.  What is appropriate for one is often not appropriate for another.
> <snip
> In Christ,
> Drop that as well.  I am not replying in the name of Yeshweh of
> Nazareth or anyone else; I don't think there's enough evidence to take
> it as given that Yeshweh ever actually existed. Whether or not he did,
> I don't share your mystical belief and am offended by your regular
> inclusion of propaganda for your sect. Please remove it.
I understand your being offended.  I also am offended by people who 
adopt a religious attitude toward software such as Unity, as you do.  
You, and Unity developers, would do well to listen, with an open mind, 
to those preferring other desktops.  It would have been infinitely more 
preferable that such listening were done BEFORE the decision to make 
radical changes.

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