any decent recipe for setting up android build env on ubuntu 12.04?
Robert P. J. Day
rpjday at
Sun Jun 3 10:17:31 UTC 2012
just to be clear, has anyone nailed down the proper recipe for doing
android development on ubuntu 12.04, given that the current checkout
for android source appears to require sun's java 6 and no other
version? here's the salient snippet from the AOSP's
build/core/ file:
# Check for the correct version of java
java_version := $(shell java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep '^java .*[ "]1\.6[\. "$$]')
ifneq ($(shell java -version 2>&1 | grep -i openjdk),)
java_version :=
ifeq ($(strip $(java_version)),)
$(info ************************************************************)
$(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version)
$(info of java.)
$(info $(space))
$(info Your version is: $(shell java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1).)
$(info The correct version is: Java SE 1.6.)
$(info $(space))
$(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at)
$(info ************************************************************)
$(error stop)
so if i read that correctly, that build structure *requires* sun's
java 6, which i can install and mix in with openjdk if, perhaps, i
mess with "update-alternatives", etc.
in any event, any android gurus working on ubuntu 12.04 who have a
clean setup recipe for this? thanks.
Robert P. J. Day Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
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