Ctrl+F not working

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp
Sat Jun 2 15:43:48 UTC 2012

(2012/06/02 5:34), Colin Law wrote:
> On 1 June 2012 16:27, Thomas Blasejewicz<thomas at s7.dion.ne.jp>  wrote:
>> Good evening
>> Ubuntu 12.04 / new clean install / English localization
>> The other day I noticed, that the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + F" = search
>> is not working.
>> Let's say I open my home folder.
>> Press Ctrl+F -->  nothing happens
>> Click: Go ->  Search for files (Ctrl+F) = a small window opens allowing
>> me to search.
>> Just for the fun of it I tried to assign a keyboard shortcut ->  Ctrl+F.
>> I get the error message, that this IS ALREADY assigned to "search for files"
>> If that is so, why is it not working??
> Does it work if you log on as a different user?
> Does it work in other applications?  Firefox for example.
> Colin
Good evening
In **my** account, which was naturally set up during the installation 
and where I **DID NOT** temper with any shortcut keys (yet),
it does not work with any software.
Logout -> login as "Guest" ==> Ctrl+F works.

Is there anything I can do about this, since this is apparently not the 
way it should be ...
Thank you in advance.

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