clipboard, or copy/paste failures

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Jul 25 20:33:18 UTC 2012

On 25 July 2012 21:19, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 July 2012 16:09:53 rikona did opine:
>> Hello Gene,
>> Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 3:17:11 AM, Gene wrote:
>> > Greets all;
>> >
>> > These seem to be pretty endemic on 10.04-4 LTS.  4 machines/installs
>> > are affected here.
>> >
>> > The copy, by sliding the mouse curser over the text to highlight it
>> > seems to work as well as ever, but when I change workspaces and try
>> > to MMB paste, there isn't anything there.
>> >
>> > What do I need to check?
>> Not sure what to check - works OK here in latest updated 10.04...
> [snip stuff related to another thread]
> Now the next problem is the copy/paste, it doesn't paste with a MMB press
> 95% of the time.  But that is another question already asked earlier today,
> which hasn't generated a helpful reply yet till this one.  Which isn't
> help, but you answered, thank you.

When you say it fails 95% of the time do you mean that if you repeat
the copy paste between the same apps with the same workspaces and so
on, that it is inconsistent? So just go to one app mark, go the other,
MMB, and go backwards and forwards multiple times, but with different
text,  that it is inconsistent?  If you find that it /is/ consistent,
so in some situations it works and in others it does not then try to
identify the significant factors that make it work or fail.  Then we
will have something to go on.

For example you talk about switching workspaces.  Is that significant?


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