clipboard, or copy/paste failures

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Wed Jul 25 20:19:25 UTC 2012

On Wednesday 25 July 2012 16:09:53 rikona did opine:

> Hello Gene,
> Wednesday, July 25, 2012, 3:17:11 AM, Gene wrote:
> > Greets all;
> > 
> > These seem to be pretty endemic on 10.04-4 LTS.  4 machines/installs
> > are affected here.
> > 
> > The copy, by sliding the mouse curser over the text to highlight it
> > seems to work as well as ever, but when I change workspaces and try
> > to MMB paste, there isn't anything there.
> > 
> > What do I need to check?
> Not sure what to check - works OK here in latest updated 10.04...

I did fix the scanner in another thread, but no clue if I screwed up 
somewhere else.  I went browsing an old drive, imported the 
/etc/xinetd.d/saned file after installing xinetd, didn't help, then I found 
a 90k udev file that covered it on one of my old installs (there was very 
little in my /etc/udev.d directory, so that made it about 10x bigger) 
pulled it in, and did a service udev restart.  Then I shut the printer off 
while tailing the log, and turned it back on.  Looks like that was the 
magic twanger, because before the printer was done priming its nozzles and 
wasting $5 worth of ink, xsane had found it running as me.

Now the next problem is the copy/paste, it doesn't paste with a MMB press 
95% of the time.  But that is another question already asked earlier today, 
which hasn't generated a helpful reply yet till this one.  Which isn't 
help, but you answered, thank you.

Cheers, Gene
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