Mouse not working when ubuntu boots

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Jul 22 22:26:01 UTC 2012

On 07/18/2012 09:36 AM, Hazan PĂ©rez wrote:
> Once I boot into Ubuntu the physical mouse is "off" (the red led is 
> off) after something like a minute passes. Even if I click, which 
> activates the mouse, the cursor is non-responsive to the mouse 
> movements and clicks. Yes, there is a cursor in the screen all the 
> time, but it only works after the mouse "activates", that is, after 
> waiting something like a minute. Doesn't matter if I'm on lightDM or if 
> I have logged into any user, one minute after I boot into Ubuntu the 
> mouse works. It's only in that minute that the mouse is completely 
> non-responsive.

This sounds very similar to the 12.04 issue and Logitec Unified receivers:

[Wireless Mouse not registered on Startup or Reboot ]
Note that the same hardware works fine in all versions below 12.04.

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