Thunderbird does not ask for password when sending second mail !!!

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Wed Jul 11 10:00:53 UTC 2012

On 11 July 2012 06:57, Jkhatri <khatri.jatin at> wrote:
> Dear all
> I'm using thunderbird 13.0.1 on my ubuntu 12.04,
> password it simply sends the mail. I want to configure Thunderbird to ask
> for password each and every time I send mail , is there any configuration
> available in Thunderbird ???

An odd request - not something I'd expect to be configurable, but a
google search turns up

Additionally, you could try putting an invalid password into your SMTP
config within Thunderbird, something you know is bad. That should end
up generating a "please give me the correct password" request each
time, but then again the code may well cache the correct password for
the rest of session. Without seeing the TB code I can't tell.


When one person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many
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