Strange guest users!!

Nolan 4030man at
Wed Jul 4 07:29:56 UTC 2012

On 07/01/2012 03:54 PM, Roger wrote:
> On 02/07/12 07:04, Adnane wrote:
>> hello,
>> I recently found this on my /etc/passwd, and I don't know where they come from, malicius
>> users ?
>> **
>>  *
>>     guest-ju5MVt:x:114:126:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-ju5MVt:/bin/bash
>>     guest-wG6ljf:x:115:127:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-wG6ljf:/bin/bash
>>     guest-pnnpDM:x:116:128:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-pnnpDM:/bin/bash
>>     guest-vDcp9d:x:117:129:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-vDcp9d:/bin/bash
>>     guest-VBqZ2D:x:118:130:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-VBqZ2D:/bin/bash
>>     whoopsie:x:119:131::/nonexistent:/bin/false
>>     guest-57TzoY:x:120:132:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-57TzoY:/bin/bash
>>     guest-5Wr1lz:x:121:134:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-5Wr1lz:/bin/bash
>> is there a way to prevent it if its bad ?
> Yep I've got at lease one of those also.
> roger
And how long did you "lease" it for ?
At "least" 3 times?

Nolan Cooper
Linux User: 190812
Debian/Ubuntu-12.04==<b>Precise Pangolin</b>

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