Strange guest users!!

Rashkae ubuntu at
Sun Jul 1 23:20:29 UTC 2012

On 07/01/2012 05:04 PM, Adnane wrote:
> hello,
> I recently found this on my /etc/passwd, and I don't know where they
> come from, malicius users ?
> **
> *
> guest-ju5MVt:x:114:126:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-ju5MVt:/bin/bash
> guest-wG6ljf:x:115:127:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-wG6ljf:/bin/bash
> guest-pnnpDM:x:116:128:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-pnnpDM:/bin/bash
> guest-vDcp9d:x:117:129:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-vDcp9d:/bin/bash
> guest-VBqZ2D:x:118:130:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-VBqZ2D:/bin/bash
> whoopsie:x:119:131::/nonexistent:/bin/false
> guest-57TzoY:x:120:132:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-57TzoY:/bin/bash
> guest-5Wr1lz:x:121:134:Guest,,,:/tmp/guest-5Wr1lz:/bin/bash
> is there a way to prevent it if its bad ?

I'm only guessing here, but I think these are being left behind by 
someone logging in as "Guest User" from the login screen.  As to why 
they arent' being cleaned up, that must be because the computer is not 
being shut down properly while guest user is logged in.. (power failure, 
computer is locking up, etc.)

If you don't want someone to be able to use the computer without logging 
in properly, you'll have to disable the guest user login.  (instructions 
will depend on which version of Ubuntu you are using.  LightDM or GDM.)

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