Youtube/Firefox Foulup??

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sat Jan 21 04:15:13 UTC 2012

On 21/01/12 14:44, John Graddy wrote:
> On 01/20/2012 09:23 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 21/01/12 14:11, John Graddy wrote:
>>> On 01/20/2012 09:05 PM, John Graddy wrote:
>>>> On 01/20/2012 08:37 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>>> On 21/01/12 13:24, John Graddy wrote:
>>>>>> On 01/20/2012 06:50 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>>>>> On 21/01/12 02:10, John Graddy wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 01/19/2012 09:43 PM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>>>>> [pruned]
>>>>>>>>> Look, I'll give you this link and see if this comes up:
>>>>>>>>> (from the movie Natural Born Killers - listen to it and the 
>>>>>>>>> lyrics.)
>>>>>>>>> BC
>>>>>>>> The video that you sent did exactly the same as the video in my 
>>>>>>>> original email.
>>>>>>>> I disabled the plugin Flash 11.1 and both play just fine.
>>>>>>>> I don't understand!  When I disable a plugin what does it do?  
>>>>>>>> Remove the plugin?  Restore the previous version?  I didn't 
>>>>>>>> thing youtube videos would work at all without the flashplayer 
>>>>>>>> installed.
>>>>>>> Sounds like that there is a mix-up in which is 
>>>>>>> being used by your Flashplayer.
>>>>>>> In Firefox, type this in the URL box (the one where you type in, 
>>>>>>> eg,
>>>>>>> about:plugins
>>>>>>> and a list of your plugins will be shown. Have a look at which 
>>>>>>> Flashplayer version is installed and used by Firefox The latest 
>>>>>>> is 11.1 r102. It will also be using the file 
>>>>>>> Now, go thru the full list of the plugins because there may be 
>>>>>>> another version of Flashplayer still hanging around - make sure 
>>>>>>> that it is or is not (I bet that there is v10 still hanging 
>>>>>>> around - and this is also using *a* file). 
>>>>>>> Check this out to start with.
>>>>>>> What has happened in the past, at least at my end, is that after 
>>>>>>> installing Flashplayer the symlink to point to the correct, 
>>>>>>> latest, was not altered and the latest version 
>>>>>>> of Flash was picking up the old 
>>>>>>> and....naturally Flash would not work.
>>>>>>> Check about:plugins to begin with.
>>>>>>> BC
>>>>>> when I do the "about:plugins", I get:
>>>>>> application/x-shockwave-flash     Shockwave Flash     swf
>>>>>> application/futuresplash     FutureSplash Player     spl
>>>>>> What is that all about?
>>>>> File formats (file extensions) used by Adobe.
>>>>> What you need is the bit ABOVE this which shows which version of 
>>>>> Flash you have installed.
>>>>> BC
>>>> when I look at the list of all plugins, It appears that the only 
>>>> version of flash installed is 11.1 r102.  That's the one that I 
>>>> disabled.
>>> I re-enabled flashplayer, and, it is now working correctly.
>> Well there you go.
>> I have found that if you threaten a piece of software with either 
>> de-installation or worse it suddenly starts to work correctly. The 
>> little buggers understand plain English when they want to :-) .
>> BC
> Thank you very much for all of your help.  I have no idea why things 
> suddenly started working.  The result of all of this is that I 
> disabled flashplayer and then re-enabled it.  To the best of my 
> knowledge, I didn't really do anything.

Re help, no problems.

What often helps in such situations is to clear the cache in FF. The 
easiest way is to delete it 
(home/<yourloginname>/.mozilla/firefox/default/<number>.default/Cache - 
it will automatically recreate itself on next start of FF. Clearing the 
cache removes some captured page (everything you see on your screen when 
using FF goes into the cache) and which may contain something which 
causes a problem such as the one you were having.

Another 'trick' is to create a new profile for FF and use that to see if 
the same problem occurs there. After finishing with it simply delete 
this profile. You create such a profile by first closing down FF and on 
a command line in a terminal type 'firefox -P'.


No one new to power has ever disarmed his subjects; on the contrary, finding them disarmed new rulers have always armed them.
                   Niccolo Machiavelli

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