Youtube/Firefox Foulup??

John Graddy jwgraddy at
Fri Jan 20 20:29:28 UTC 2012

On 01/20/2012 01:22 PM, Johnny wrote:
> Go to Ubuntu Software center uninstall flash, do a restart, go to SPM 
> click Status (don't known the name but go to the 5th thing down It 
> will say left overs or something like that) do a complete removal of 
> all that is there, do a restart, then go to Ubuntu Software Center and 
> reinstall flash. Hope this make since form and old man.
> Good Luck and God Bless Johnny3 65++
I don't understand what You are suggesting that I do.  I don't 
particularly want to do something that I don't understand.  I've already 
done thet and asked a couple of questions about them, and, so far I 
haven't gotten any answers.

Thanks for your suggestion.


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