video problems in Ubuntu

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jan 19 03:51:38 UTC 2012

On 01/16/2012 01:48 PM, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> A little off topic.  The video is berkl line in 1927 with no sound. I 
> hae an elderly man almost 100 years old I put it on his daughters xp 
> machine and he is watching it and doing a voice over in German and 
> English and saving it so I can put it on the video. Its a great silent 
> movie I have some really fine music in the public domain for it and am 
> very excited about it.  This is really important to me.  I plan to put 
> it on Vimeo and Youtube ether in the public domain or creative commons. 
> There may not be anyone else left in the world that can remebr where and 
> what the scenes in the movie are and narriate it in both 
> languages.                                 Doug
This one?

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