software that supports nook downloads - is there any?

J dreadpiratejeff at
Sun Jan 8 05:26:23 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 15:08, Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at> wrote:
> Folks,
> I purchased a pair of Nook 1st Editions over the holidays.  I like them!
> I then tried to down load a book from my library only to discover that nook
> does not directly download e-books but must use a package that is installed
> on a PC. YEP! you guessed it it ONLY WORKS with WINDOWS or Mac systems.
> Spoke with the folks at Barnes & Noble and they said to install Adobe
> Digital Editions software to fix the problem. When I tried that Adobe says
> my system is not supported... It also reports that my version of Firefox is
> old and suggests getting a free upgrade but that fails to install properly..
> Has anyone been able to download a book from their public library to their
> nook? If so, please enlighten me as to how I should proceed.
> Other ideas/alternatives appreciated.
> I am using Ubuntu 10.04-3 LTS and it is up to date.

I'm a bit confused by what you're trying to do...  Are you talking
about books from Barnes and Noble's online site, or ebooks you've
gotten elsewhere?

The nook is simple to sideload, and not OS dependent.  You just plug
it in, copy the book over and it appears.... on the original Nook, it
won't show up in your library, you have to look in ... MY Files or
whatever it's called.

As for maintaining, I use Calibre, which has worked flawlessly for me
managing books that I get from outside of B&N's store.  So I've side
loaded a lot of free books (the Baen Free Library, and a lot of public
domain books from other sites).  Also works with PDFs and text files,
which are natively supported by the Nook.

My local library doesn't do downloads, yet, but as I said, ebooks from
anywhere else are easy to put on...

What exactly happens when you plug the nook in to your system?  I've
been using mine since 10.04 first launched, and am now using it with
Calibre on Oneiric and haven't had a hitch, as I mentioned earlier.
And I've loaded hundreds of ebooks on my nook this way.

Feel free to send me a private message if you want to discuss further,
or just ask here, in case others are interested in this.



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