ubuntu script failure
Liam Proven
lproven at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 00:47:50 UTC 2012
On 3 January 2012 23:21, Edward avanti <edward.avanti at gmail.com> wrote:
> It's not just that, it's sluggish performance, wireless that did not
> work OOTB, grpahics settings were horrid, and must have thought I was
> 80% legally blind from font size, try to remove one old program so I
> can install source and use current with all its nice advantages and
> ubuntu wanted to remove half the system! apt is very brain dead. and
> dump bind and use a cuyrrent version is pure nightmare, since they
> have broken it into a million pieces, and trying to remove some of
> those pieces the systme also wanted to remove the other half of my
> system.\, there are also about a dozen more quirks with it but I'll
> be labelled a troll or whiner if I go on so I wont, afterall the list
> is supposed to be only positive light, how dare anyone discuss
> negatives,
> Installed opensuse two days ago now, and WOW the difference.
> wireless deteced and configured OOTB,
> perfect graphics resulution and very sane fonts.
> and although it too had a older (but not as ancient as fuckbuntu
> version) of program X, allowed me to remove it with no dramas, RPM is
> far far FAR superior in this respect. Oh and bind was also removed
> without me going grey too.
> Moving to opensuse, was the best thing I ever did, in fact it
> impressed a long time debian friend of mine who yesterday wipped
> squeeze for it.
If you don't like Ubuntu and find another distro preferable, that is
fine. Good for you. But that does not mean there is anything wrong
with Ubuntu; it means your tastes are different.
I moved from SUSE to Ubuntu in 2004 and I very much prefer Ubuntu,
which I find smaller, faster, cleaner, simpler and less work. I last
tried OpenSUSE 11.3 or so, last year, and it was as bloated and
sluggish as it has ever been. KDE 4 is an ugly mess, too.
Granted, I miss YAST for a few things - for instance, it is better at
setting up X.11 than Ubuntu is or has ever been.
RPM I do not miss. I find it primitive, clunky and a pain.
But if you want to rip out subsystems of your OS and replace them -
something that in 24 years of installing, maintaining and running Unix
systems across Europe, from my own systems to multinational
corporations, I have never wanted or needed to do, and which sounds
insane to me - then APT's automatic dependency resolution *is* going
to get in your way, yes. RPM, which does no dependency resolution at
all, will not get in your way.
Mind you, if you were working for me as a sysadmin and told me that
this was what you wanted to do, I'd probably fire you on the spot.
You like what you like. We Ubuntu users like something different. That is fine.
But don't come here, complain at us about it, swear at us and use foul
language on a public list. Just be quiet, go away, use SUSE and enjoy
Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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