ubuntu script failure

J dreadpiratejeff at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 20:26:44 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 04:23, Edward avanti <edward.avanti at gmail.com> wrote:
> Christ all fucking mighty!
> why cant these dickhead tossers leave things alone, they have to be fucking
> usellessly different
> ...
> Thanks for the info
> had enough of the fuckbuntu quirks, they are worse than microsoft, this and
> the other screwups these lamers have done is enough, opensuse is going on
> that boxen shortly

Ummm... the switch to Dash was done, IIRC, in 2006 in Ubuntu 6.10...
so over 5 years ago now... not like it just happened.

Granted, I also ran into issues when I wrote a BASH script and
expected it would work with sh (a bad programming assumption on my
part), but I didn't then set about cursing people today for a decision
that was made 5 years ago.  I just fixed the bug in my script and got
on with life...

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