Ubuntu Server 11.x / missing log-files (messages,daemon)

franz.reitinger franz.reitinger at htl-wels.at
Thu Feb 23 14:06:24 UTC 2012

after upgrading from Ubuntu 10 to 11 several log-files like 
messages.log or daemon.log have disappeared 'smoothly'.

Asking Google I learned that some logger are no long supported and some 
additional configuration has to be done in 
/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf. After enabling the 'daemon.log' I 
restarted the log-service to see why the openvpn-server is not working. 
In the former Ubuntu-version (10) openvpn (and other daemons) wrote its 
logging to the daemon.log. Even tough I enabled the daemon logging 
openvpn still refuses to log. Generally it remains the questions where 
the log output of all the daemons can be found (syslog?). How can I 
'persuade' daemons like openvpn to use now the rsyslog?


 * Mail checked by Avira virus scanner (mail.htl-wels.at).


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