Needed fully functional [NOT 'Live'(sic)] Linux on USB stick - was [Re: Ubuntu on pendrive]

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Feb 1 03:22:29 UTC 2012

On 1 February 2012 01:39, Sam Sebastian <sebastiansam55 at> wrote:
> the problem with this is that the one time i did it, when i was really new
> to ubuntu/linux in general it install GRUB on the USB and the computer would
> not boot at all without having the USB stick plugged in

Please /bottom/ post on the list.

You have the problem the wrong way around here.

GRUB on the hard disk is the problem; GRUB on the USB  stick is what you want.

If GRUB is on the hard disk *and it points to a Linux installation on
the hard disk*, no problem.

If GRUB is on the hard disk *and it points to a Linux installation on
the Flash drive*, then the machine will not boot if the Flash drive is
not connected.

If GRUB is on the Flash drive and it points to a Linux installation on
the Flash drive as well, no problem. The hard disk is not affected.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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