Crash logs - where & how to (re)submit?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Dec 31 08:50:56 UTC 2012

On 31 December 2012 02:11, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> Since I got home from my holidays and updated my install of 12.10, it
> is crashing on every login, shortly after reaching the desktop. So
> far, one time out of 3, Apport appeared and told me that Compiz had
> crashed.
> I said "yes" to submitting a bug report, but sadly, I need to manually
> enable a wifi connection (my home broadband is down) & there was no
> available internet connection to submit it.
> Is there any way of viewing past crash logs? Is it possible to
> manually submit one after the dialog has gone?

The logs should be in /var/crash.  I suppose you could just use
ubuntu-bug compiz
to open the bug, and attach the crash log file.


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