Twinview in 12.04

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Dec 11 16:25:29 UTC 2012

On 11 December 2012 16:03, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
> On 12/11/2012 09:10 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
>> On 11 December 2012 07:53, Ric Moore >
>>> Install the correct video driver (not that nouveau crap) and then use
>>> nvidia
>>> X-config settings to set the monitors, resolutions and then write it out
>>> to
>>> /ect/X11/xorg.conf from the X Server Display tab. Logout and back in
>>> again.
>>> Works a charm with 12.04. Ric
>> I have to agree.
>> Also note carefully what monitor connections you are using.
> I have done all of the above.
> I have tried 3 drivers.  The first one I used was the 1st one on the list
> when I clicked on the additional drivers icon. Then I tried the second on
> the list which was labeled "post release".  Finally I tried the nouveau
> drivers.
> The HP is a standard vga connection and the Hannspree is hdmi. I was able to
> set both at 1920x1080 60hz using 10.04.
> Right now 12.04 is unusable. When I boot to it I get a message that there is
> no usable stored configuration and the HP has a black screen and the
> Hannspree is very low res with no mouse cursor.
> At this point I want to reinstall 12.04.  I boot from the install cd and it
> sees that 10.04 and 12.04 are installed. (note they are on separate HD's). I
> choose the option to format and install. It says everything will be replaced
> and then asks if I want to continue. Maybe I am being overly cautious, but
> at this point I canceled because I want to be sure if I click continue I
> will be offered the clear option to install on the 12.04 disk. Is this the
> case?

Did the drivers actually install correctly? Was there a green dot next
to them after you rebooted? If so, were you then able to run the
``nvidia-settings'' command?

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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