
Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 13:12:23 UTC 2012

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 12:23 AM, JD <jd1008 at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2 problems remain.
> 1. It sets up /etc/resolv.conf to use nameserver
>     resumably, because dnsmasq is also running. However,
>     nothing gets resolved, because dnsmasq (or networkManager)
>     are not querying the AP for the DNS settings, and so there is
>     no conf file for dnsmasq containing the actual nameservers' ip
> addresses.
>     So, at every boot, I have to change the IP address of nameserver from
> to
> 2. The default route is  not being set either. When I run
>     route -n
>     it does not show the default route as my AP ip addres,
>     so I have to manually do
>     route add default gw

For (1)

Check that you have "dns=dnsmasq" in the "main" section of
"/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf" for NM-dnsmasq integration.

Check "/run" for "nm-dhclient<...>" and "nm-dnsmasq-<...>" and check

I installed xubuntu on a friend's netbook this morning and wifi worked
out of the box with NM, dnsmasq, and resolvconf. "/etc/resolv.conf"
should point to "" not "" (although it shouldn't
*really* make a difference, but I haven't checked).

For (2)

The default gateway should be provided by dhclient.

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