Auto-hiding the applications bar
Gene Heskett
gheskett at
Wed Dec 5 22:36:23 UTC 2012
On Wednesday 05 December 2012 17:05:39 JD did opine:
> On 12/05/2012 02:25 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Wednesday 05 December 2012 16:19:46 JD did opine:
> >> On 12/05/2012 01:59 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >>> On Wednesday 05 December 2012 15:57:41 JD did opine:
> >>>> On 12/05/2012 01:40 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >>>>> On Wednesday 05 December 2012 15:36:56 JD did opine:
> >>>>>> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
> >>>>>> charset=ISO-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
> >>>>>> text="#000000"> <font size="+1"><font face="Console">Running
> >>>>>> ubuntu 12.10 with latest updates.<br> How can I force the apps
> >>>>>> menu bar on the left side of the screen t<font size="+1">o<br>
> >>>>>> <font size="+1">go into auto-hide once the pointer is moved away
> >>>>>> from it?<br> <br>
> >>>>>> </font></font></font></font> </body> </html>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> There are many on this list who will ignore your pure html posts.
> >>>>> Please put your copy of thunderbird into the text only mode and
> >>>>> repost your questions.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> We also don't top post reply's here, but usually intersperse them
> >>>>> so it reads like a normal conversation.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Cheers, Gene
> >>>>
> >>>> OK, here goes:
> >>>>
> >>>> Running ubuntu 12.10 with latest updates.
> >>>
> >>> Since this is an interface question, which gui are you using? gnome,
> >>> kde, xfce etc etc.
> >>
> >> Gnome!
> >
> > That leaves me out then. I have 2 boxes running my milling machine
> > and lathe but that is 10.04.4 LTS, and the pager is always on it the
> > toolbar across the bottom of the screen for that release. I have
> > just enough kde installed here to get kmail, on an otherwise
> > identical install, so that's what I have here also. Setup for 10
> > workspaces.
> >
> >>>> How can I force the apps menu bar on the left side of the screen to
> >>>> go into auto-hide once the pointer is moved away from it?
> >
> > So obviously I will defer to the real gnome experts here, and there
> > are several.
> >
> > Cheers, Gene
> Thank you Gene ...
> but I am surprised by the incredible quietness of this mailing
> list. When I was on the fedora list, at least 100 messages per day,
> except on weekends and holidays.
> So which list do all the Ubuntu'ites hang out at?
Actually, I think that has more to do with the level of preparedness
exerted in getting ready to publish a new release. Fedora seems to take
less care, making use of the users to fuss & patch the thing till it works.
By then of course they next release is only days away. Fedora users are
Red Hats test & fix cadre, for free, as in no sheckles change hands in
either direction. Sadly, that is not the same for the headaches when it
doesn't do what you want it to, they seem to be transmitted only from
Fedora to the user.
2 reasons I am here, one being that on average a ubuntu cd installs and
generally just works(TM) unless the user, in this case you, asks how to get
a different behavior, and the app (LinuxCNC) that runs my cnc mill and
lathe, needs a specifically patched kernel to be able to run in real time,
where a 20 microsecond lag in issuing the next step to the motors could
result in a stall which is unknown to the program, and that stall leads to
broken carbide tools at $15-$60 a click, not to mention a wrecked part that
you may already have 4 hours of carving time in and possibly several pounds
of steel swarf to clean up before you can reset, mount a new piece of
material and restart from scratch when the stall occurs.
The other reason of course is the quite high level of Just Works(TM) I get
from this version. And the relatively low rate of building a special app,
and finding it won't because the required library and its headers simply
aren't available without also building them from a tarball. PCLOS for
instance is a great distro, until you want to run eagle to design a circuit
board, or freecad to do some serious part design, Then you have to find
the tarballs and build another 500 megs worth of libraries. Thanks to the
ubuntu folks 90% of that isn't needed anymore. And I'm a much happier
camper, at 78 yo I am actually doing something, not fighting with a distro
that has a different mold their user is supposed to fit into.
FWIW, and totally off topic, Dave Brubeck died earlier, and bbc news has a
nice video eulogy up already. He left very large footprints in the sands
of musical time for the last 70 of his 91 years. He is one of those elders
I respected greatly.
Cheers, Gene
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