nntp to e-mail

Thufir hawat.thufir at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 20:09:23 UTC 2012

Steve Flynn <anothermindbomb <at> gmail.com> writes:

> On 29 August 2012 20:35, Thufir <hawat.thufir <at> gmail.com> wrote:
> > Just to read gwene.org in my e-mail inbox.  Doh, don't know why I didn't
> > just use thunderbird from the beginning, it just didn't occur to me.  Pan
> > is a better newsreader but doesn't have thunderbirds functionality for e-
> > mail.
> That was why I asked the question - I couldn't think of a reason why
> anyone would want to take Usenet and then mail it out to people, so I
> thought you might have been going the opposite way. Glad you thought
> of an alternative method of access.

what I'm sort of considering is to copy the news posts to an mbox type inbox. 
I've done this a few times and it's a bit awkward, but might be useful.  I'm not
sure that there's much gain there, but it seems like there are more scripts to
operate on e-mail v. nntp.  E-mail's just more prevalent.

What can automate that copy/paste operation?  I see:


which might do that, but I'm just wondering if there are alternatives?  Some
sort of ruby/python/etc script which I just can't find?  Simple mailman or



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