changing a drive

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Aug 24 20:09:58 UTC 2012

On 24 August 2012 05:52, Tim Hanson <tjhanson at> wrote:
> When I installed 10.04 a couple of years ago, I set a usb drive as my home
> directory, so that when I boot the laptop I get an error message (with an offer
> to wait until the drive is connected) if I haven't plugged it in.  It has been
> working fine all this time.
> Now I have a new, larger usb drive on which I would like to copy /home.  I am
> accustomed to another distro that has a graphical partition manager which gets
> the UUID set up properly and takes care of all the details.  I have seen the
> disk utility provided with Ubuntu and I don't see a partition manager.  Where
> do I find it?

Unless I misunderstand exactly what you are trying to do, if you can
plug in both drives at the same time and boot from the ubuntu live CD
you could then use dd to make an exact copy of the first drive onto
the new one.  Then remove the old one and check you can boot as normal
and access the new drive.  Assuming it is ok then boot from the live
CD again and run gparted to expand the partition size to take up the
full disk.  just make sure when you do the dd that you copy the right
way, and obviously make sure you have a backup of it first.  Ask again
if you want to try this but need more detail.


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