gnome-applet-volume-control is a huge usability regression

Nils Kassube kassube at
Tue Aug 21 11:36:37 UTC 2012

Gene Heskett wrote:
> Its my understanding that rc.local is executed as an S99 function in
> /etc/rc.whatever, and the display manager isn't started until all
> that stuff has run.  And I have attempted in times past to put
> something that needs X in rc.local, and its always been a 100%
> failure, no display. I have added a couple things to the autostart
> menu, but haven't rebooted to try them yet.

To my understanding the X server is started earlier than rc.local 
because rc.local is supposed to run as the last job.

Anyway, usually you can't start applications which need a display from 
rc.local unless you provide the DISPLAY variable and run the application 
as the user owning the display. As an example, I am the owner of the 
display :0.0 as user nils. If I login as nils from Ctrl-Alt-F1, I can't 
start any application that needs X running. However if I set DISPLAY 
accordingly, it works:

DISPLAY=:0.0 xeyes

And if I wanted to run the application from rc.local it would be

su nils -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 xeyes'

> I asked how to start a program on a specific workspace but no one has
> volunteered any info on that.

For KDE there is kstart to do that but I don't know if it would work 
with Gnome.


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