How to upgrade from java6 to java7 on 10.04?

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Fri Aug 17 14:51:15 UTC 2012

On 08/16/2012 10:21 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 08/16/2012 10:34 AM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> Firefox popped up a warning yesterday that Java6 had security problems
>> and should be upgraded to Java7. I googled upgrading to Java7 and found
>> various answers ranging from giving step by step manual instructions to
>> recommending using ppa/webup8.
>> My concern is they all seemed to focus on installing Java7 but I didn't
>> see anything about upgrading.  What happens to my Java6 installation?
>> Just looking for a smooth, hassle free way to get secure java running again.
>> Thanks,  Jim
> I use:
> Script (JRE only)
> Only supports Oracle (Sun) Java 7 JRE (which covers the needs of 99 % of
> all computer users). It pulls the packages from Oracle's website and
> installs them, comparable to the way Adobe Flash Player is being
> installed. Plus it adds a dedicated repository, from which you'll
> receive updates automatically.

This looks to be exactly what I need.  I was wondering about the sun 
java 6 I had installed but the website says the script will remove it.

> Java 7 works fine with Firefox, but as a heads-up it does not with
> SeaMonkey:
> <>
> [[linux] Sun Java jre1.7.0_04/_05 does not work in SeaMonkey]

I have always liked Seamonkey but finally had to stop using it because 
some sites I use on a regular basis just would not work fully when I was 
using it.

> You might consider just giving in and installing openjdk & icetea instead.

I use jEdit so that's not a good option for me.  There have been 
problems reported using them with jEdit and the devs only support it on 
the Sun version. (which I fully understand)

Thanks,  Jim

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