java home

Thufir hawat.thufir at
Fri Aug 17 09:00:58 UTC 2012

why does james 2 complain about javahome, while james3 does not?

thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_24"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.1) (6b24-1.11.1-4ubuntu2)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode, sharing)
thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ Desktop/james-2.3.2/bin/ 
ERROR: JAVA_HOME not found in your environment.

Please, set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of the Java Virtual Machine you want to use.
thufir at dur:~$ 
thufir at dur:~$ apache-james-3.0-beta4/bin/james start
Starting Apache James Server App...
thufir at dur:~$ 

They're both java applications.  I suppose maybe james3 starts java 

guess I'll set it like so:


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