Gnome and Ubuntu 12.04 beta

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Apr 21 02:49:35 UTC 2012

On 04/14/2012 02:19 PM, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
> I hope someone can help me overcome a mental block. I installed Ubuntu 
> 12.04 beta 2 in a VM so that I can evaluate the user interface of Gnome 
> 3.4. Synaptic shows that it is installed on my system, but I've no idea 
> how to invoke it. The only options I'm offered at login are Ubuntu 
> (Unity) and Ubuntu 2D, presumably also Unity 2D.

If you actually want it to work, I recommend VMWare Player instead of
VBox. I have 12.04 running on the same host; VMWare Player correctly
does proper 3D (Unity and GNOME), VBox does not. Doesn't matter how many
times that I reinstall/reconfigure VBox, it still does not work in 3D.
And if I actually turn on the 3D display in Vbox, I don't even get a top
  Same host/system - plus that same system has boot partitions to 12.04
& 11.04, and both work just fine, so it's not a hardware issue.
Works For Me.
VirtualBox (4.1.12) does not.

And yes, I do have the most recent VBox extension (VirtualBox 4.1.12
Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack) installed on the host. I can both
in parallel & side-by-side. Thumbs down on VirtualBox.

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