Shuttleworth (SABDFL) wants to shutdown this ubuntu.user list

Sharl.Jimh.Tsin amoiz.shine at
Thu Sep 29 06:53:17 UTC 2011

在 2011-09-29四的 02:23 -0400,Ric Moore写道:
> On 09/28/2011 11:13 PM, Sharl.Jimh.Tsin wrote:
> > 在 2011-09-28三的 17:48 -0700,NoOp写道:
> >> Culled from the recent threads via Alan Pope regarding '[Admin]
> >> Additional moderator':
> >>
> >>
> >> Shuttleworth states that they should just shut the Ubuntu users list
> >> down (Mark Shuttleworth is 'sabdfl'[1]:
> >> :
> >>
> >> [aiee, we should just shut that baby down]
> >>
> >> [i'm happy to take the shutdown bullets on -users]
> >>
> >> [even if it's of the 'last chance, fred's agreed to moderate, if (s)he
> >> gives up, we shut down the list']
> >>
> >> Given the past results from the Sounder list I reckon that this list is
> >> probably on it's last legs (IMO). And before anyone here ask: no I don't
> >> plan to volunteer to be a moderator... I get enough flack already for
> >> being a quasi-listmom on occasion.
> >>
> >> So if any of you wish to object to the benevolent founder comments a the
> >> last Community Council meeting, you can login to the upcoming one to
> >> voice your opinion:
> >>
> >> "The next meeting is scheduled for 4th October 2011, 21:00 UTC and will
> >> be held in #ubuntu-meeting on"
> >>
> >>
> >> Have at it&  good luck. I reckon that I'll start spending more time on
> >> non-Ubuntu lists&  newsgroups.
> >>
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >> <quote>
> >>
> >> This is not a democracy, it's a meritocracy. We try to operate more on
> >> consensus than on votes, seeking agreement from the people who will have
> >> to do the work. Mark Shuttleworth, as self-appointed benevolent dictator
> >> for life (SABDFL), plays a happily undemocratic role as sponsor of the
> >> project. He has the ability, with regard to Canonical employees, to ask
> >> people to work on specific projects, specific feature goals and specific
> >> bugs.
> >>
> >> He also has a casting vote on the Technical Board and Community Council,
> >> should it come to a vote. This capacity is not used lightly. The
> >> community functions best when it can reach broad consensus about a way
> >> forward. However, it is not uncommon in the open-source world for there
> >> to be multiple good arguments, no clear consensus, and for arguments to
> >> divide communities rather than enrich them. The argument absorbs the
> >> energy that might otherwise have gone towards the creation of a
> >> solution. In many cases, there is no one 'right' answer, and what is
> >> needed is a decision more than a debate. The sabdfl acts to provide
> >> clear leadership on difficult issues, and set the pace for the project.
> >> </quote>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > that's bad.
> That just means that in the end, it's his toys and he can go home with 
> 'em. I can buy that. I personally think he's making a very bad BUSINESS 
> decision though. ALL of his users can't be gearheads. If I had my way 
> about it, he'd have over 3 million inmates as new users... try telling 
> them they're not valued. <chuckles> I can see it now... oh hell.
> Maybe we should just fork and call it "Crowbar Linux".
>          "Hack our site, we won't snitch.
> We'll find you and we'll break your knees with a crowbar."
> Heh! That has a certain éclat.
> My point is that if Ubuntu doesn't attract "others" then we're not in 
> the thick of the Bazaar. Instead, we're in the Cathedral. If that is 
> where Mark wants to be, then I have nothing but pity for him, as he will 
> at some point realize that a terrible mistake in judgment has overtaken 
> him. It happens to the best of us, but getting back towards redemption 
> from our mistakes is such a bitch, best to be avoided in the first place 
> ...if we're not to hardheaded to listen to others. It's a tricky world 
> out there. :) Ric
> -- 
> My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
> "There are two Great Sins in the world...
> ..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
> Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

"Crowbar Linux" may be a great idea.  :)

Best regards,
Sharl.Jimh.Tsin (From China **Obviously Taiwan INCLUDED**)

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