Need used video card

Craig White craigwhite at
Sat Sep 24 19:33:36 UTC 2011

On Sat, 2011-09-24 at 13:40 -0500, Jon Anderson wrote:
> At no one, of course.  I call obvious troll with imaginary problem
> which, had it been real, would have been fixed by at least two of the
> responses from 'confrontational' people.
> Cybe R. Wizard
> No you simply wrong, I came in here with a real problem and if there was a lack of communication it was my fault ,my fault
> being that I didn't understand what was said or and my lack of knowledge of the unabridged language of Linux but I have to assume that
> a lot of people come in here with the same lack of linuxetiquette. If my reception here was a consistent  example, They could be treated better.
> -- By the way I have tried everyone of the responses and I still have the problem.
chances are if you have had lockups with 3 different video cards, the
problem isn't the video cards at all but something else.

Did you ever run memtest on this emachine system? Did you try disabling
KMS (kernel mode set)?

Also - with respect to communication/etiquette on the list here... sadly
the list has denigrated to the point where it is frequently dominated by
moderately knowledgeable, socially marginal people and you should never
take anything that they write personally.


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