James Freer
jessejazza3 at
Mon Sep 19 20:43:17 UTC 2011
-----Original Message-----
From: NoOp <glgxg at>
To: ubuntu-users <ubuntu-users at>
Sent: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 1:22
Subject: Re: Thunderbird/gmane?
On 09/18/2011 03:03 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> On 09/18/2011 02:17 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> I can replicate. In TB 6.0.2 I show over 248K in unread messages.
>> Normally when I have that many in a newsgroup that I frequent often,
>> 'mark as read by date'. I just did this to mark all as read since the
>> 17th. As soon as it started I got the javascript error:
>> ====
>> A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
>> You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script
>> will complete.
>> Script: chrome://messenger/content/markByDate.js:137
>> ===
>> At that point I can either elect to stop the script or continue. I
>> select 'Continue' TB greys out for a second (expected), and I get the
>> message again (not expected). This time I tick the 'Don't ask me
>> box and again click 'Continue'. TB greys out (expected as it is
>> CPU& it takes a very long time to go through 248K+ headers), but no
>> more script error, and finally my unread count is 15. So give that a
>> Jim& see if it finally completes for you.
> My experience is about the same. When I clicked 'Continue' it did
> pop back up. It continued to completion and my unread count was set
> correctly, but I no longer had access to previously read messages,
> you?
> Maybe I am completely misunderstanding what should happen. Based on
> what you wrote a couple of days ago that an advantage of gmane was
> would have 240,000 threaded messages available to search. I thought
> that I could set it to see only unread messages, but if for some
> I wanted to see an old one, I could tell it to show all and I would
> access to them.
You can; click 'Quick Fiter:Unread'. That will show only unread
messages. Re-click and it will show all, read and unread. You can of
course add 'View' on the menus which allows for a quick dropdown of:
Custom Views
People I know
Recent Mail
Last 5 Days
Not Junk
Has Attachments
Save View as Folder
> After all of this fussing around with settings I can see that the
> performance penalty far exceeds any real need I have to search them
Performance is only related to initial setup etc. Of course if you do a
search, realize that it is searching through over 240K of headers.
> I've realized that ideally having all the messages of any thread that
> has unread messages in it is what I want. I realize that there is a
> view-->threads-->threads with unread but I can't get that to work any
> better than view all. I've sort of been doing that with this thread
> as soon as I open a message I immediately mark it as unread that way
> whole thread is accessible by me.
> Again maybe I don't understand how it is designed to work.
I'm not sure I actually understand.
NB:Wow, just opened TB 6.0.2 on the laptop (64bit) and realized how
kludgy TB displays headers... even normal header takes up nearly 2
inches. Installed 'CompactHeader' to get it back to normal.
"I reckon I'm spoiled by SeaMonkey."
I couldn't agree with you more. I switched a month ago [having not
tried NN derivatives since 2005] and like it very much. The latter TB
releases are rather heavier on resources and not to my liking. I had
quite a shock when looked at some reviews for Firefox and TB -
Seamonkey is quite under rated imho.
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