Was: SOLVED Re: incessant lockout screens with request for password

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 17 12:48:57 UTC 2011

On 17 September 2011 11:50, nepal <nepal.roade at googlemail.com> wrote:
> It appears that there are higher powers than me that have determined my
> screen *will* blank after 10 mins non activity.
> Following shutting down the machine last night and restarting this
> morning, the screen blanking returns. I don't remember hearing any
> Checking xset -q shows that the parameters set yesterday are back to
> their previous values, "prefer blanking" and "DPMS enabled".
> However this is not the end of it.
> I have once again changed the above, just like I did yesterday and yet
> there is still something turning off the screen, not blanking to a
> black screen now, but what looks like an xscreensaver type screen, all
> grey with heavy texture, activated after 10 mins.

Could that be that the screen has been blanked (which is the
screensaver I think), but the backlight has not been switched off
(which is the power management bit possibly)?



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