Aaargh ... kEyboard problEm

R Kimber richardkimber at
Thu Sep 15 21:18:44 UTC 2011

SincE rEsizing my /var and /usr partitions I'vE startEd having problms with
my kEyboard in Claws-Mail, but only Claws-Mail.

I can no longEr typE a lowEr casE 'E':-
Capital is OK with shift, but no E with caps lock on.

HowEvEr, othEr programs arE not affEctEd: konsolE, bluEfish, gEdit and so
on arE all OK.

I'vE rE-installEd Claws, but it's still thE samE.
No custom shortcuts in placE.
I rE-bootEd but still samE problm

Pls hlp: it's driving mE mad. Is a solution possibl, or must I rE-install?

Richard Kimber
Political Science Resources

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