[OT]-Need Help Testing Cross-Platform 2-D Game Engine...

Jesse Palser SLNTHERO at AOL.com
Thu Sep 15 15:27:57 UTC 2011

[OT]-Need Help Testing Cross-Platform 2-D Game Engine...


My team and I are finishing up a new version of our SDL1.2+OpenGL(R)
cross-platform open-source 2-D game engine called:
"GT-R Twin Turbo"!

Current build is tested and working on the following OS's:
- Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 7 Home Premium 64Bit SP1
- Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional 32Bit SP3
- Ubuntu 11.04 64Bit

Was hoping some people could try the game engine demo?
Just let us know if it works OK and what OS you are using, thanks!

You can download the current build here:
(contains both Windows(R) and Linux versions - Linux makefile included 
to build)

Thanks in advance!

JessePalser <AT> Gmail <DOT> com
Video Game Design Studio

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