
Ric Moore wayward4now at
Wed Sep 14 18:04:18 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 17:41 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 14/09/11 16:31, Ric Moore wrote:
> > On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 15:42 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
> >> On 14/09/11 15:05, Ric Moore wrote:
> >>> On Tue, 2011-09-13 at 19:26 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
> >>>> On 13/09/11 17:05, Ric Moore wrote:
> >>>>> Is anyone else having problems with synaptic lately? I don't recall
> >>>>> seeing this behavior before where it keeps trying to hit
> >>>>> "Translations-en" and "Translations-en_US" and "Translationsindex"
> >>>>> repeatedly and repeatedly, hangs for a bit then hits on them again. Then
> >>>>> it utterly fails. This is with natty, BTW. Status on each reads "failed"
> >>>>> during the reload process.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The reload takes forever, then there are no upgrades noted to apply. An
> >>>>> apt-get upgrade loads packages and installs them just fine. This is
> >>>>> making me nutz. I hope I didn't break it. But, if I did, how to fix? Ric
> >>>> Simple answer, old boy: time to change to another distro.
> >>>>
> >>>> Ah, but haven't you already switched over to Minties by now?
> >>> Just beat me, go ahead and beat me.. I admit it, I won't do that
> >>> again. :) Ric
> >> I am really not sure why you would be having such a problem because Mint
> >> is a simple lift of Ubuntu and uses the same method and repos to update
> >> itself.
> >>
> >> I am sure that you would be aware that in the list of servers for the
> >> s/ware the default setting is the main server for Ubuntu, but you can
> >> then either select a mirror of your choice or allow the system to give
> >> you a list of the most EFFICIENT servers for you to access - and you
> >> then select the one you feel most comfortable with. But you know all
> >> this......
> > Right, and that is why I am "chagrined" at it's brokenness. I have no
> > clue how I would refresh this install to remove all reference to Mint,
> > and only reference Ubuntu Natty, without breaking the smithereens out of
> > the database of what is installed. I think it would go bang, like a dead
> > fish, in the noon-day sun and I'd be stuck with the stinking pieces.
> >
> > I fear I will have to completely do another fresh install. I'm getting
> > pretty good at it by now... so, I shall trundle off to on-disk and order
> > yet another DVD. :) Ric
> To be very honest, and acknowledging that I am as thick a brick, I 
> simply cannot understand why you keep installing anything 'Ubuntu' but 
> then installing over it to be able to get KDE.
> Why not simply install Kubuntu, or the KDE version of Mint?

Because they also do things I do not approve of. Of course, different
strokes for different folks, so I'm not going to claim they are wrong.
Stuff like nepomuk and the rest of the auto-installed KDE wizards make
me crazy. So, if I install plain vanilla gnome, which is admittedly
Spartan, then >I< can add embellishments TO it, as I prefer. 

As a fellow founding member of the "Hard Head" club, I'm sure you see my
drift. <cackles> Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256 

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