
Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Sep 14 07:41:30 UTC 2011

On 14/09/11 16:31, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 15:42 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 14/09/11 15:05, Ric Moore wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2011-09-13 at 19:26 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>> On 13/09/11 17:05, Ric Moore wrote:
>>>>> Is anyone else having problems with synaptic lately? I don't recall
>>>>> seeing this behavior before where it keeps trying to hit
>>>>> "Translations-en" and "Translations-en_US" and "Translationsindex"
>>>>> repeatedly and repeatedly, hangs for a bit then hits on them again. Then
>>>>> it utterly fails. This is with natty, BTW. Status on each reads "failed"
>>>>> during the reload process.
>>>>> The reload takes forever, then there are no upgrades noted to apply. An
>>>>> apt-get upgrade loads packages and installs them just fine. This is
>>>>> making me nutz. I hope I didn't break it. But, if I did, how to fix? Ric
>>>> Simple answer, old boy: time to change to another distro.
>>>> Ah, but haven't you already switched over to Minties by now?
>>> Just beat me, go ahead and beat me.. I admit it, I won't do that
>>> again. :) Ric
>> I am really not sure why you would be having such a problem because Mint
>> is a simple lift of Ubuntu and uses the same method and repos to update
>> itself.
>> I am sure that you would be aware that in the list of servers for the
>> s/ware the default setting is the main server for Ubuntu, but you can
>> then either select a mirror of your choice or allow the system to give
>> you a list of the most EFFICIENT servers for you to access - and you
>> then select the one you feel most comfortable with. But you know all
>> this......
> Right, and that is why I am "chagrined" at it's brokenness. I have no
> clue how I would refresh this install to remove all reference to Mint,
> and only reference Ubuntu Natty, without breaking the smithereens out of
> the database of what is installed. I think it would go bang, like a dead
> fish, in the noon-day sun and I'd be stuck with the stinking pieces.
> I fear I will have to completely do another fresh install. I'm getting
> pretty good at it by now... so, I shall trundle off to on-disk and order
> yet another DVD. :) Ric

To be very honest, and acknowledging that I am as thick a brick, I 
simply cannot understand why you keep installing anything 'Ubuntu' but 
then installing over it to be able to get KDE.

Why not simply install Kubuntu, or the KDE version of Mint?

Let go, friend, of the security blanket called Ubuntu/Mint with Gnome 
and go strictly KDE right from the start - especially Natty which is 
neither here nor there when it comes to still not knowing what it 
actually is - it has a personality problem. It belongs in the 
institution depicted in the movie, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest".

Just my insignificant attempt at trying to solve your problem...... :-! .

Hey, I tell you what - have you tried the Ultimate Edition yet, eh? 
Another Ubuntu clone-thing but what an eye-full! (Almost as good as Miss 
Colombia without her knickers :-) .)


Any experiment in life will be at your own experience.

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