Where is the chooser chooser?

Mihamina Rakotomandimby mihamina at rktmb.org
Wed Sep 7 08:16:10 UTC 2011

On 09/06/2011 09:27 PM, Colin Watson wrote:
>> The Beta is_very_  not ready for prime time.  In particular, the
>> >  chooser (is that the correct name for the gui login screen?)
> It's called a greeter.  The default one (for bug-filing, etc.) is
> "unity-greeter".

It's called a "Display Manager".
- GDM: Gnome Display Manager
- KDM: KDE Display Manager
- LightDM: Light Display Manager

That "greeter" term has been used later.

As far as I know, the DM for Oneiric is LightDM with Unity theme, 
"rebranded" Unity greeter.


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