keyboard works in BIOS & GRUB but not during boot

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Wed Sep 7 08:14:16 UTC 2011

On 07/09/11 17:23, scar wrote:
> Basil Chupin @ 09/06/2011 11:09 PM:
>> Hmm, OK. Sounds like the driver for the keyboard is not being loaded
>> when the system is being booted. I don't have an answer for this sorry
>> to say as I have never had this problem.
>> Just to clarify things for anyone who may follow with advice for your
>> problem: does the mouse work even though the k/board doesn't (ie, does
>> the cursor move around)? and how many USB devices do you have connected
>> on the same USB port?
> i can't tell if the mouse works because i'm still in the bootup
> sequence, trying to enter the passphrase to unlock the partition.
> however, i've used both the mouse and keyboard on another system with
> 10.04 and they work fine.  the mouse and KB are the only 2 USB devices
> i'm using, and they are each plugged into their own port on the back of
> the computer.

OK, as I stated earlier I have never had this problem but I just 
rebooted my system and got to the point where I was 'asked' to enter the 
passphrase for my my encrypted partition. I did not see the mouse cursor 
- whose existence I paid no attention to until now. No cursor as you 

However, I use a cordless, R/F, Logitech k/board+mouse where the 
receiver station also acts as a charger for the batteries in the mouse. 
This station also indicates whether the k/board/mouse are "connected" to 
the system. In my case the LED shows that they are. From this 
generalisation I suspect that your k/brd/mouse driver is not being 

What would happen if you used the 10.04 (?CD) to "install" 10.04 again 
but selected the "repair" option? (I think that there is a "repair" 
option, or such similar wording). Allow this option to repair your 
installed Linux system. Somewhere, somehow, something has gone missing 
which is what is causing your problem.

But wait until someone else comes up with suggestion(s) to solve your 
hassles - I don't know all the answers (and I am not the one who came up 
with the "42" answer :-D ).


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