I Was Wondering???

Jordon Bedwell jordon at envygeeks.com
Sun Sep 4 18:29:00 UTC 2011

On Sun, Sep 04, 2011 at 01:50:48PM -0400, Doug wrote:
> Why not can gmail altogether.  Its idiosyncrasies are forced on you,
> just as if it came from Microsoft. Just stop using it and use
> Thunderbird, or KMail.  You *do* have a choice, make it!

If he has a choice why are you telling him to stop using GMail?
If they are so bad for "forcing their ways onto people" why are you
trying to force Thunderbird or KMail onto him? Since when does GMail
force their ways onto people? Last I heard you could kick GMail
into forced text mode, you could have it show you plain quotes
instead of fancy quotes and you could control just about every
aspect of your email.  I've done it plenty of times on the road
through both GMail and Squirrelmail.

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