Can't play movie DVDs in Natty on HP laptop

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sun Sep 4 07:06:38 UTC 2011

On 04/09/11 06:40, Ric Moore wrote:


> I'm now on Natty<gasp!>  and am still showing the same old problem. So,
> I just applied this myself. Ric

<Groan> "I'm now on Natty....".

No wonder there was a 7.0 magnitude earthquake off Vanuatu at 0900 hours 
AEST today :-( .

Please, Ric, stick with to your 10.04, OK? No more experimentation for 
the sake of the world's safety, right?

(You were affected by the 'hurricane to beat all hurricanes' last week, 
weren't you? An interesting and illuminating article in today's world 
press about that: 


Bob Hope's wife: "Where would like to be buried when you die?"
Bob Hope       : "Why don't you surprise me!"

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