Johnny Rosenberg
gurus.knugum at
Sat Sep 3 09:24:55 UTC 2011
2011/9/3 NoOp <glgxg at>:
> As most Ubuntu users know, was the default office
> suite in all installs up to Natty 11.04. In 11.04 OOo was replaced by
> LibreOffice.
It was called ”” but it was really Go-oo, and as I
understand it, Go-oo is also a part of LibreOffice, so I'm not sure
how true it is to say that was replaced by LibreOffice.
One thing I know though, is that the Ubuntu version if LibreOffice
works very poor for me. There are some nasty bugs and they changed
some things in a nasty way (in my opinion), so a lot of my
spreadsheets needs a heavy rewrite to work properly – I know I can use
Search/Replace with regular expressions to do the rewriting quicker,
but some of my formulas becomes almost twice as long as before, which
I don't like.
The latest problem I ran into was that the value of an empty cell is
not 0, so if I try to calculate and there is an empty cell involved in
my formulas, I need to check if it's empty first, otherwise I will get
an error.
I also had a problem that I got an error for circular references, even
if there was none. I had a spreadsheet that suddenly gave me a lot of
error messages for circular references, say from row 1950 or so, to
row 3333 (last row in that spreadsheet), which in this case is maybe a
couple of hundred rows or so. I selected the first cell with that
error, hit Ctrl+F2, then Enter, and suddenly some of the errors were
gone, but not all of them, so now the error starts at, let's say 2047
instead. Repeating this with the first error cell makes some more
errors to disappear and so on.
I also had an error 522 problem. Sometimes when opening that
spreadsheet, all cells from the current row and down to the last one
displayed Error 522 until I hit Ctrl+Shift+F9 and then waited for
eternity (almost) for the recalculation to finish.
My solution to all of these problems was to throw Ubuntu's (Go-oo) or LibreOffice away (yes, uninstall it) and
install the vanilla version instead.
I am not sure why the Ubuntu team changes the office suite of their
choice when it works perfectly (well, pretty good anyway) as it is.
The only thing I found that was added was bugs and stupid changes, but
that's maybe only my opinion.
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
> Turns out (IMO) that the decision was the right choice. Sun was sold to
> Oracle, Oracle abandoned OOo and dropped it onto Apache, Apache accepted
> it as an incubator project primarily driven by IBM (you all can google
> this), and today Rob Weir (IBM) dropped this turd on the OOo users list:
>> Please note that, as part of the overall migration to Apache, this
>> list will be closed. Based on feedback received, including from
>> participants on this list, we've decided to create a users list at the
>> Apache project to serve as a continuation of
>> users at
>> You are invited to subscribe to the new list by sending an email to:
>> ooo-users-subscribe at
>> That Apache list is live now. Although users at is not
>> going to disappear immediately, it will eventually be shut down. So
>> you might want to finish the threads you are engaged in here, but try
>> to start new ones at ooo-users at We're talking
>> weeks, not months, before the migration completes.
>> Thanks!
>> -Rob
> Now that might not have been too bad, but Rob didn't stick around to
> answer any questions afterwards & only popped back up when he felt he
> was being disparaged:
> <>
> And in reponse to my questions IBM Rob Weir responded:
> and my response:
> It's a shame as I have used OOo since StarOffice and have been a very
> strong advocate of OOo for many years. I'll start purging my OOo
> installs next week on all of my, and my customer systems (with the
> exception of my own testing installs), & bid goodbye to OOo.
> --
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