How to get hostnames via DHCP with a "classic" network configuration ?

Nicolas Kovacs info at
Mon Oct 31 22:00:17 UTC 2011

Le 31/10/2011 20:00, Ramon Hofer a écrit :
> I was at the same point as you some time ago. I gave up with dhcp3 and
> dynamic dns and I went for dnsmasq [1].

Well, the question was more for the client side, not for the server 
side. But since you ask, yeah, I know dnsmasq, but I'm doing things with 
Bind (locally) that dnsmasq is not designed for.

Anyone has a solution for my problem, besides the guy that suggested 
static configuration on all the clients ? :o)


Niki Kovacs

Microlinux - Solutions informatiques 100% Linux et logiciels libres
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